System Components

Enerpac’s System Components are the perfect complement to Enerpac’s cylinders, tools and pumps. The most extensive range of hydraulic system components, available and supported worldwide, completes the Enerpac hydraulic system to provide dependable and efficient performance.

Hydraulic Hose, Couplers and Oil Hydraulic Manifolds and Fittings Hydraulic Gauges and Accessories Directional Control Valves Flow and Pressure Control Valves

Hydraulic Hose, Couplers and Oil

Enerpac high pressure hydraulic hoses; thermo-plastic hoses for demanding applications and heavy duty rubber hoses with rubber coating. Hydraulic couplers for quick connections of hydraulic lines. Hydraulic oil with high viscosity index ensuring maximum lubricity over a wide range of operation temperatures.

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H700 e327e 240

H700 Series High Pressure

Inside Diameter 6.4 - 9.7 mm
Length  0.6 - 15 m
Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar

A c f z e327

A, C, F, T Series Hydraulic Couplers

Max. Flow 6.1 - 40.0 l/min
Thread 1/4" - 3/8" NPTF
Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar and 800 bar

Hf e327e 240

HF Series Hydraulic Oil

Contents 1, 5, 20 litres


Hydraulic Manifolds and Fittings

A64 65 1 0 0

A Series Manifolds

Connections 6 or 7 oil ports
Oil Ports 3/8" NPTF
Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar

Am21 am41 manifold 240x214 0

AM Series Split Flow Manifolds

Connections 5 - 7 ports
Ports 3/8" NPTF
Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar

Fz1616rev 1

FZ and BRZ Series High Pressure Fittings

Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar

Fz1616rev 1

SFM-Series Split-Flow Manifolds

Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar


Hydraulic Gauges and Accessories

Enerpac hydraulic gauges and accessories supply a visual reference for system pressure and force. Gauge hydraulic pressure from 0 to 50,000 psi. Designed for fast, easy installation, hydraulic gauges are ideal for use in many applications, specifically for high cycle and harsh environments.

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Ga45gc gauge adaptor assembly

AMGC-GA45 Series Gauge Adaptor Assembly

Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar
Connection 1 3/8" NPTF male
Connection 2 CR-400 Coupler

Gf gp e327e 240

GF GP Series Hydraulic Force & Pressure Gauges

Pressure Range 0 - 1000 bar
Force Range 0 - 2000 kN
Accuracy ± 1%
Face Diameter 100 mm

G h e327

G H Series Hydraulic Pressure Gauges

Pressure Range 0 - 1000 bar
Face Diameter 63 - 100 mm
Accuracy ± 1.0 - 1.5%

T e327

T Series Test System Gauges

Pressure Range 0 - 3500 bar
Face Diameter 162 - 192 mm
Accuracy 0.5 - 1.5%

Dgr e327

DGR Series Digital Hydraulic Pressure Gauges

Pressure Range 0 - 1380 bar
Voltage 3 VDC (battery)
Accuracy ± 0.25%

Ga nv v e327

GA NV V Series Gauge Accessories

Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar

Ct604 e327

CT 604 Safety Tool

Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar


Directional Control Valves

Enerpac hydraulic valves are available in a wide variety of models and configurations. We have the correct valve to match your requirements; directional flow control, flow control, or pressure control. Designed and manufactured for safe operation up to 10,000 psi, the range of hydraulic valves allow for direct pump mounting, remote mounting, manual or solenoid actuation, and in-line installation, giving you flexible solutions to control your hydraulic system.

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Vc series valves 240x214 1 0

VC Series Remote Manual Directional Control Valves

Flow Capacity 17 l/min
Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar

Vm ve valves 240x214 1 0

VM VE Series Pump Mounted Directional Control Valves

Flow Capacity 17 l/min
Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar

Ve 1517 240x214 1

VE Series Solenoid Modular Valves

Pressure 0 - 700 bar
Flow Capacity 15 l/min
Voltage 24, 115, 230V


Flow and Pressure Control Valves

Flow and pressure control valves provide flexible options for controlling your hydraulic system. Enerpac hydraulic valves are designed and manufactured for safe operation up to 10,000 psi.

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Flow control valves 240x214 0 0

V Series Pressure and Flow Control Valves

Max. Operating Pressure 700 bar


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